Friday, March 16, 2012

If you have the right to strike Saddam & Iraq preemptively when he did nothing to you or your country, don't we (blacks) have the right to preemptively strike you in your unawares when to us you are actually the racial terrorists you accuse others of being & your history proves it? (self.AskReddit)

all 42 comments

[–]Herborist 1 point  ago
Right behind ya.
[–]NinjaDiscoJesus 1 point  ago
this is the most I have ever been this.. if that's not too confusing
[–]Herborist 1 point  ago
Yup... walk faster!
Awkwardly shuffles out of the thread.
[–]snooptray 1 point  ago
I don't think we really had a right to attack Saddam pre-emptively.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 0 points  ago
But we did.
[–]snooptray 1 point  ago
True, but that doesn't necessarily justify other pre-emptive strikes.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
I don't think that's the concern of the attacker who sees us as the terrorists.
[–]snakeseare 1 point  ago
Did Saddam have a right to attack Kuwait?
[–]snooptray 1 point  ago
Gulf I wasn't pre-emptive. Gulf II was. But no, he didn't.
[–]snakeseare 1 point  ago
Actually, the first Gulf war was between Iran and Iraq from 1980-1988. But that's just semantics.
In 1990, the US, and the world had a choice: let Saddam keep Kuwait or not. Everyone decided "not." Well, everyone except for Jordan, I think.
So take back Kuwait, but leave Saddam in power in Iraq? That was incredibly stupid. Cue 12 years of sanctions which hurt civilians and entrenched Saddam. And 12 years of a dark cloud over every country in the Gulf, spoiling business.
And that, the damping effect on business among Saddam's neighbors, is exactly why the 2003 invasion happened. Every single Gulf nation supported that invasion in very real and material ways. The UAE sent an entire armored brigade to Kuwait, and that's no small commitment for that country. NB that the UAE also sent a squadron of F-16s to attack Libya last year.
2003 was the inevitable result of not finishing the job in 1991.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
He claimed Kuwait belonged to him and it was "Western Kuwait" he was attacking... . IOW, he didn't respect the lines he claimed we drew in their sand defining "their" or "our" teritories.
[–]snakeseare 1 point  ago
I am aware of his rationale. I am also aware that Kuwait was using oil production to bankrupt Iraq, which was the real reason he invaded.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Kuwait was using oil production to bankrupt Iraq, which was the real reason he invaded.
By imperialism of the West, Kuwait was using oil production to bankrupt Iraq, which was the real reason he invaded.
Not putting it down. Imperialism is the responsibility of the most technologically advanced nation on the planet. But, FTFY!
[–]snakeseare 1 point  ago
That is the stupidest thing I ever read.
The poor ignorant Kuwaitis were mere dupes of the west? Really? Really?
That's not just stupid, it's racist.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Stupid, racist & true.
[–]snakeseare 1 point  ago
So you consider Kuwaitis less than human, and unable to make decisions for themselves. How enlightened of you.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Ignorance and being reliant on Western technology to be independent doesn't and didn't make them less than human.
[–]nolimitsoldier 1 point  ago
I don't think "right-wrong" plays a part in military strategic operations. We just try to justify what we do because imperialism/regime change are bad words.
[–]brock_lee 1 point  ago
I never take anything seriously when posted within the same day after someone has created an account.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Even though I'm looking for quality arguments to present, why even comment then?
[–]brock_lee 1 point  ago
Why respond?
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Because you did first and while your position not to take anything seriously when posted within the same day after someone has (just) created an account is what you stated, you seem to be judging legitimacy of the question and whether or not you'll participate on more than that.
[–]brock_lee 1 point  ago
That is correct
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
The point with Dr. Jacobs seems more personal than geared toward making us (the students) think and in that/this sense it is insulting. Regardless of what we say, he's right and our grades reflect our ability to accept his correctness and display it - although it's not our position - in our essays.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Even the test questions are geared toward making us answer against the historically drawn conclusions we make from the facts.
[–]independence21 1 point  ago
If my unawares are between my legs, you may not strike them.
That said, preemptive war is not a right of the lawful and just but one of the lawless and power-mad. A fear that a powerless person can suddenly amass great power and strike you down for injustices (imagined or not) is the excuse of terrible actions throughout history by tyrants.
Hopefully he's just attempting to egg you into critically thinking about decisions and reasons and that he's not just a racist shitbag, but it could be that way.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
If my unawares are between my legs, you may not strike them. The victim's concern about where he's struck - as long as he crippled beyond ability to return fire, isn't important to the striker. All things considered, between your legs might actually be where they're aiming.
[–]nolimitsoldier 1 point  ago
Did you not just ask for any evidence to support this bold claim?
atrocities of the modern world are the result of Western or white "racial imperialism" and "economic oppression".
This man is an idiot. I personally would love to meet some one who actually thought this way. I would PAY for their ticket to the killing fields or any number of the other mass graves that have absolutely nothing to do with the "racial imperialism" of whites.
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
I actually did pay ... enrolled in class.... paid tuition... .
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
This man is an idiot.
I paid... . Guess I'm the bigger one.
[–]camopdude 1 point  ago
Psychoass? Is that you?
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Good name for Dr. Jacobs. LOL!
[–]camopdude 1 point  ago
I don't know what that means, so I'm assuming it's you. How's Critter?
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Dr. Jacobs is my sociology professor. Who's Critter?
[–]pjpark 1 point  ago
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
[–]iphytesru-_-[S] 1 point  ago
Everyone even more really decided use like more look do want as far has? Yes.

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