Friday, December 16, 2011

The dude that comes up with this stuff has a seriously warped mind.

BUSTED: Racist Poughkeepsie High School Teacher Cynthia Glo-zier a "NIGGER WORD THINKER?" Did Glozier Provoke Stabbing? "We will stand by Ronette Ricketts," But Dutchess County Yakub Muslims Warn Blacks "Don't Attack Devil for Racist Thoughts, Yet"

Holy shit. Niggers have evolved to the point where they can read minds.

niggers believe their emotional state is the emotional state of the person they are looking at

its normal for niggers to say dogs are racist when they bark at blacks because through the lens of his a nigger's infantile ego and logical systems the dog is being racist and is attacking him with sounds

its a very primitive nervous system and a dangerous one to be around

niggers - don't let them near you or you get fucked stabbed


>Black Male Felon Thug Sex Death Cult
What is wrong with this person? What is wrong with these people? It is like I am staring into the abyss.


They're niggers!

All whites are racist. The act of having white skin is racist. It is an indicator that you have not benefited from the blood of our ancestors. And to top all that off you sit around thinking racist thoughts as if the “evolved” new age Black cannot listen. You albino genetic mutations should voluntarily wipe yourselves out and save us the effort.”
Holy shit. Niggers have evolved to the point where they can read minds.


The dude that comes up with this stuff has a seriously warped mind.

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