Thursday, December 15, 2011

The only thing that comes close to the brutality of the murder is the disparaging speculation made by race hustler "Slaughter Lightfoot" of "underprivileged" journalism.

 Is 14 Year Old Kelli O'Laughlin New Emily Haddock: Did So Called "Innocent" Teen Invite Suspected Black Male Over After School To Play Increasingly Popular & Alleged Racist White Psycho Sex Game "A Nigger Broke In, Robbed, Raped & Killed Me"?

Anonymous said...
Outrageous! It pains me to say this, as I am not a "racist," or at least I try not to be, but that is truly some nigger behavior. The only thing that comes close to the brutality of the murder is the disparaging speculation made by race hustler "Slaughter Lightfoot" of "underprivileged" journalism. Of course, it figures that the author is some nutso Afro-centrist associated with the Nation of Islam (and no doubt believes in the fantasy of Negroid Egypt), so I can expect warped journalism, but this is just outrageous! Making such insane accusations against a young teenage girl?
I want to believe that Blacks are like everyone else, and I still believe that most African-Americans are good, decent people, but this is the sort of shit that a nig-nog would do. I'll grant, for instance, that serial killers are nearly all White, and as far as I know there has never been a Black serial killer. But the sort of random brutality inherent in breaking into someone's house in broad day light and then cold-bloodedly stabbing a child to death when she enters, is something you only hear of a Groid doing. (Link) 

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